Minutes of Big Cedar Property Owners Assn. 6-24-2024
Annual Meeting
June 22nd, 2024
Cedar Lake Yacht Club
- Meeting called to order by President Rick Gale at 10:10 AM CDT.
- Roll Call:
- Present: Egan, D. Sturgeon, D. Thoma, J. Tews, C. Nielsen, P. Rolfs, R. Gale, S. Rolfs, D. Baldus, M. Nast, R. Perry, M. Weske, S. Simon, K. Wahouske, R. Krueger & M. Nielsen
- Excused: Mestan, J. Jansky,
- Absent:
- We had a special panel of Troy Zagel, Town of West Bend Chairperson, Butch Schulteis, Town of Polk Chairperson, and Josh Schoemann, Washington Count Executive
They covered the following topics:
- County Chair Schoemann spoke of his keen interest in conservation. He also stated the county is not a legislative body but rather an arm of the State and the WI DNR.
- of Polk Chair spoke of a farm the town acquired and revising of Zoning (i.e. revise R4 to allow smaller lake lots to be of legal size. Legal Min. size is 60,000 sq/ ft. Want to reduce Minimum lot size to 20,000 for lake lots.
- of WB Chair stated he is a lake resident and believes in:
- Protecting the lake and its lakeshore.
- Monitoring and keeping an eye on construction. Do not allow OVERBUILDING to occur.
- Making B&Bs “tow-the-line” by registering with the town/county.
- Town has hired a Minnesota firm to identify violating properties. The search to id violators will be fulfilled through internet searches
- Confirm Air BNBs pay the initial $50 fee to register and then the $25 per year to renew registration.
- Registered Air BNBs need to conform to relevant building codes.
- Violators can be fined $350 to $1,000 per day until the cited violation is resolved.
- Enforcing the number of boat slips and piers meet the current restrictions.
- For the first 50’ of shoreline, a property owner may have:
- Two piers
- Two boats
- Two PWCs
- IF the shoreline is100’, (a full 50’ wider), the property owner may have an additional pier, boat and/or PWC.
- For each additional 50’ (after the first 100’) of shoreline, the owner may again add one boat, one PWC and one pier.
- The fine(s) for an individual can be stiff, but the penalty for a food & alcohol establishment can be loss of their liquor license, which will be an attention getter.
- For the first 50’ of shoreline, a property owner may have:
- The 2023 annual meeting minutes are posted on the POA website. Baldus moved to accept the 2023 Annual Meeting minutes as posted on the POA website. M. Nielsen seconded that motion and the motion passed.
- President’s Report:
- Introduction of current Executive Board (R. Gale, D. Sturgeon, Rob Perry, T. Mestan & C. Nielsen).
- Gale covered length of term. All terms are for three (3) years. All positions can serve multiple terms, if re-elected, EXCEPT for the position of President. The office of president can only be held for one term. Gale’s term as president ends July 2026.
- We thank again Sean Torinus and Serigraph for providing the BCL-POA with the upgraded version of the 2023-24 REWARD SIGNS. The savings recognized by the POA is over $1,000 per year.
- The POA continues to present the concerns of its members regarding overcrowding and lake damage caused by enhanced wake operations (This would mean boats not on plane after taking on additional ballast.)
- The BCL-POA will be paying its second scholarship rewards to successful applicants in the areas of post-High school study of limnology and/or related water conservation studies and to successful applicants for our Shoreline Enhancement and Revegetation. Reports on this will be given later today by the organizing director.
- The BCL-POA continues to support the local Fishing Club and DNR efforts to restock our lake with fingerling fish. We do this through a $1,000 donation every other year (the DNR supports the effort the even numbered years). Scott Rolfs, the POA liaison on this program, advised this is the DNR’s year to provide financial support.
- Dues for the 2024-25 fiscal year are now due.
- Treasurer’s Report: Doug Sturgeon. The report covers: 7/1/23 to 6/24/24.
- We have 317 paid BCL-POA members.
- Income: $60.040 (net), plus $100 in donations. All Expenses and Awards have been paid, and we continue to be in a solid financial positive this year.
- We will be looking to change our membership year to a calendar year to simplify the period your dues payment covers. That will be a calendar year. For federal and state financial reporting we will continue operating on a fiscal year which is July 1st through June 30th of the following year.
- Nominating Committee (Steve Simon, Mike Nast, Kelly Egan and Scott Rolfs)
- Chair Simon offered three candidates as directors for 3-year terms, and a new “at large” position.
- Nominees are Jim Tews, Kelly Egan and Bruce Reynolds with each continuing to represent their current areas and Mike Crowley as the new At Large position.
- The search for at least two additional directors will continue as directors Mark Nielsen (Cedar Park) and Peg Rolfs (Oak Lodge Rd & Uncle Dick’s Rd) are not seeking another term.
- Both Mark Nielsen and Peg Rolfs were recognized for their many years of contributions to the POA..
- With no additions or comments from the floor, it was moved, and seconded, that the slate of four nominees presented be elected for a three (3) year term. Motion passed.
- Scholarship Committee: Chair Kelly Egan announced that there were _____ HS students selected for our two $1,000 Scholarships. The awardees were: ____________ from the WB High Schools and _______________ from Slinger High School. Congratulations to these two awardees.
- The Cedar Communities Initiative Update:
- Mike Nast, Member of the POA committee to seek a resolve with Cedar Communities and the current President of CLCF, confirmed a conservation agreement has been signed by Cedar Communities that is designed to protect the lake shore environment, which was the goal we all were seeking. He also confirmed the most recent Executive Director of Cedar Communities truly was the person that made this happen.
- Shoreline Enhancement and Revegetation Committee: Chair Chet Nielsen announced there were no applications received for Shoreline Enhancement & Revegetation projects this past year. It is hopeful that the inquiry by three lake residents will be able to move forward next year.
- New Business:
- A By-Law Amendment for Chapter 7 – Membership was offered at this annual meeting for adoption. While it would not change the dates of our fiscal year (July 1 through June 30), the change of dates that the BCL-POA dues would cover would be a calendar year (January 1 through December 31). Submission of this proposed amendment has followed the POA protocol and now offered for official adoption. Motion to Adopt this change was made and seconded, followed by unanimous vote for this amendment.
- No reports other than the information presented by the board officers and the initiative chairpersons. And nothing from the floor.
A Special SERVICE AWARD was presented to Dave Baldus, Mike Nast and Steve Simon for their three years of work with the Cedar Communities to establish a mutually beneficial conservation easement. Their names have been added to the special trophy that continues to add the names of people that have left a very positive mark on the history of Big Cedar Lake.
12) Open Discussion:
- There were no issues brought up
- This was viewed as one of the best POA meetings in recent times.
- The President announced that a motion to adjourn would be appropriate at this time.
13) A Motion was made to adjourn, it was Seconded, and Passed: Unanimously.
14) The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM CDT.
Respectfully Submitted.
Chet Nielsen
BCL-POA Secretary