Minutes of the annual Big Cedar Lake Property Owners association. June 16,2018
POA Director attendees: Tanya Lohr, Doug Sturgeon, Bev Sturgeon, Bob Bodensteiner, Jan Gesch, Terry Mestan, Ralph Krueger, John Mueller, Paul Iwanski, Michelle Kachelmeyer, Mark Weske, Mike Nast, Jerry Gensch, Todd Maclay, Ralph Olsen, Bruce Reynolds, Steve Simon
POA Directors absent: Jim Tews, Dave Claussen, Dave Baldus, Ken Wahouske, Joe Heckenkamp
President’s report: Todd Maclay
- Todd called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM.
- Review of the Minutes of last year’s POA meeting
- Motion to approve by Doug Sturgeon/ second Jan Gesch. All in favor
- Historical review.
- Lake sanitation district founded in 1930 now know as PRD.
- POA founded in 1940’s 78 years of protecting the Lake
Treasurer’s report: Bruce Reynolds
- Handout
- The Treasurer’s report
- , a list of all the Directors and contact information
- proposed by-law changes
- Explained drawn down of current funds mainly legal fees.
- Explained defense fund proposal
- Explained moving forward we do not want general fund used for legal fees.
- Motion to approve Treasurer’s report as presented second passed by a unanimous “Aye” vote.
- Request to have a balance sheet as part of a budget in 2019. Bruce agreed to this change.
- By laws Changes
- Draft an annual budget for discussion at the annual membership meeting and approved by the Board of Directors.
- This statement will also be added to by-laws; ”Either the President or Vice President may approve an expenditure of up to $100, provided that such spending totals no more than $1,000 within the budget year. The General Officers, by majority vote, may approve an expenditure up to $500 , provided that such spending totals no more than $1,000 within the year. Expenditures of $500 or more (provided that the amount does not exceed available cash) shall be approved by a 72 hour recorded majority vote of the Board of Directors, in person or by e-mail. “Motion carried by a unanimous “Aye” vote.
- Motion made to approve by-law changes by MaryBeth Carr. Seconded by Bill Walton
Public Service Award
- Todd Maclay/Buzz Carr presented 2018 award to Roger Walsh
- Roger has worked tirelessly pro bono for the PRD since 1986 and as president since 2003.
- His service is much appreciated and the group thanked him with several rounds of applause.
- Thank you Roger!
POA Directors
Bob Bodensteiner reported that 7 Directors had completed their three year term and were up for reelection
- Nominating Committee Report
- Jim Tews
- Bob Bodensteiner
- Ralph Krueger
- John Mueller
- Jerry Gensch
- Todd Maclay
- Bruce Reynolds
- All seven Directors were elected for another three year term. Membership unanimously approved.
- Sue Burke was thanked for her years of service to the POA organization. Thank you Sue!!
Report on Cedar Community Development and Act 67
- Presented by Doug Sturgeon
- Description of Act 67 was provided which changes regulations for issuing conditional use permits
- Doug gave a year in review of the activities of a group of POA Directors have had with Cedar Communities.
- To our knowledge a comprehensive development plan has not yet been presented to the town of west Bend or county.
- The POA has been working with Cedar Communities to find common ground and resolution to their expansion needs.
- Amy Johnson a POA member and an executive at Cedar Communities stated “Cedar Communities had withdrawn their request for an access road to the Lake and had hired an Environmental Firm to rework their plan.”
- Discussion and questions from the membership.
- There was a question of expenses Cedar Communities requires in EMS calls annually and the financial impact of that on the Town of West Bend budget.
- Buzz Carr spoke to this issue. He stated annually Cedar Community residents require 25-30% of all of the Town’s EMS calls. This amounts to a “tax break” of $150,000-$250,000 expense. Cedar Communities is a 501C 3, the organization does not pay property taxes.
- There was a question of expenses Cedar Communities requires in EMS calls annually and the financial impact of that on the Town of West Bend budget.
- Presentation of summary document of the Cedar Communities subcommittee goals.
- Show of hands from the group as to whether they agreed with the direction of this subCommittee. There was an overwhelming majority support. One dissenting hand was noted in the call for support.
HWY 144 Safety
- Directors Steve Simon and Michelle Kachelmeyer will co-chair a group of interested members who appreciated the concern for safety and speed on HWY 144. Please contact them if you want to help.
Stewardship/Defense Fund
- Scott Rolfs reviewed status, objectives and need for defense fund.
- We will need more funds for lawyers fees now and in the future
- those interested in helping with this Fund to see him after the meeting
- Electronic e-mail will be used in the future for all communication with members.
- Web site (BigCedarLake.org) can be used for payment of annual dues.