2017 Fish Study by Scott Rolfs
PRD Fisheries Report 5-17-2022
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission – Updated Land Use and Pollutant Loading
The link below is to a thorough updated Big Cedar Land Use and Pollutant report. SEWRPC completed this study in spring 2020. The fifty-page document provides updated information from the similar 1995 study.
The following 4 documents provide information about Big Cedar Lake; watershed, water quality, sediment loading, nutrients, point source pollution, and phosphorous loading. The 2 studies are from 2003, and the Land Use Report is from 1972.
- LakeConservation-J-Wirkus2003
- BigCedarLakeWatershed
- PaleoecologicalStudyBigCedarLake2003
- BigCedarLake-LandUseReport
The document included below, is a DNR document that describes their guidelines/rules regarding boat slips.
White Paper on Southeast Wisconsin Lake Use & Boating Regulations
The document below is a study done by Bruce Reynolds that compares boating issues and regulation for eight lakes in Southeastern Wisconsin that are similar to Big Cedar.